Mission Statement
The goal of the Sun Devil Diving Camp is to provide each
participant with an enjoyable yet challenging diving experience.
We want each diver to take home a solid foundation of diving
skills. The camp itself will be an intensive week of learning
diving skills ranging from beginning to advanced. You will
find the staff very knowledgeable, giving each participant
a chance to learn while having fun.


outdoor weather
Resident Campers: Overnight
We will offer a variety of activities including videotaping,
dry land training, lectures and daily recreational activities.
Our residents will be housed at ASU dormitories with adult
supervision and two campers to a room. All meals will be
in the ASU cafeteria which features nutritional, well-balanced
meals. Plan on allowing for $5 per day spending money.
Day Campers: Daytime Only
The Sun Devil Diving Camp offers the same diving and other
activities to the day campers as the above resident camper.
The day begins at 9:00 am and ends at 5:00 p.m. We suggest
each day camper bring a lunch or lunch money.
Maximum Supervision
All campers flying into Phoenix will be met upon arrival
at Sky Harbor International Airport 12 minutes from campus.
All divers will be fully supervised. Divers will be required
to attend all activities at instruction sessions and comply
with all rules of the camp and ASU campus. Any violations
or abuse of these rules may result in immediate dismissal
from the camp without refund.

Phoenix International Airport is only 12 minutes fron the