Diving Support Letters |
Gerrick Winston, Sally Hansell,Nick Gavolas,
Dr.Laszlo Doemeny
Mr. Dee,
I felt compelled to write this letter to you in concern for the
recent decision that was made in regards to the men's swimming and
diving program. It is honestly a travesty of judgment on the part
of your office in undoing the many years of hard work, dedication,
and professionalism the coaches and athletes have put forth in the
name of the University of Miami. Everyone in the country, and even
the world, has heard of the great exploits the University of Miami
Hurricanes Diving Team has accomplished over the years. Any time
anyone in the world of diving hears the name Miami Diving, the stories
begin immediately, of how much of a dominating force they are in
our sport. Names like Chris Mantilla, Tyce Routson, Brian Gillooly,
Rio Ramirez, and even newcomer Kyle Prandi, evoke a sense of pride,
honor, and respect The many national and world champions that preceded
them at Miami. Because all of these fine athletes have represented
our country proudly in national and international competition, and
with distinction.
When was the last time your athletes on the basketball or football
squad represented the United States of America in international
competition in their particular sport?
The University of Miami seems to have been a Mecca of sorts for
the sports of swimming and diving for a long time. Randy Ableman,
a superb diving coach indeed, has brought in a bevy of world-class
athletes to your establishment and deserves a lot more respect than
you've shown in getting rid of a program that adds class to an athletic
program that is already, according to many Americans, synonymous
with excellence.
I would hope that you would seriously reconsider the decision
you've made to rid your institution of a diving program that has
brought so much success to the name of the University of Miami,
and give credit where credit is due.
Yours truly,
Gerrick Winston
Nashville Tenn.
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Same thing happened to me - even after building the most successful
diving program and one of the most successful sports in the Junior
history and after setting all of the records to be set in Jr. College
Gender equity with women becoming more important than me so to
Sally Hansell
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From: Nick Gavolas
7836 Lee Run Rd
Poland, OH 44514
Thank you for using AOL's legislative information services to contact
your representatives. This message is to confirm that the letter
included below was sent to the following legislators:
Sen. Mike DeWine
Copy of message text follows:
Dear Senator:
On Feb. 28,2000 University
of Miami dropped their mens swimming and diving program in an effort
to come into compliance with tittle IX regulations. As stated by
their atletic director it was not a cut about money. It was done
on order to
comply with student body make up. U of M has a ratio of 54 percent
female to 46
oercent male . as part of the 1972 law this ratio must also be reflected
in the
athletic programs. This part of the law is impossible to comply
with without
majorcuts and without dicrimination against men program. Please
consider taking
a look at this part of Tittle IX Athletes just want to participate
and are
suffering dicscriminations that i don't believe was the intent of
Tittle IX
Thank You
Nick Gavolas
Head Womens
Diving Coach
Youngstown State
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Dear Mr. Dee:
I am joining in disbelief to many a member of the domestic as well
as of the international sports community in general and the diving
community in particular on the matter how University of Miami treated
the matter of its male swimming and diving program that the gender
ratio's inequity at the school brought about. The named program,
particularly the diving program, has been by any estimation one
of the most successful one in the country since the inception of
the University producing great number of All-American, national
champion and Olympian athlete.
This exceptional parade of success, coupled with the ideal location
of the University, has been a magnet drawing student-athlete to
the University thus creating name for themselves and bringing international
recognition for their school. The University already has in place
one of the most revered coaches in the country, along with a number
of top divers in the world who already qualified to participate
in the coming Olympic Games. Is this the program your University
plans to eliminate?
I realize that the University has to deal with the problem imposed
by Title IX. I also realize, however, that an institution like yours,
has the knowhow to bring about a just and acceptable solution to
the problem so that your male diving program will be allowed to
continue to flourish untouched.
Very sincerely yours,
Dr.Laszlo Doemeny
Follow Up
Dear Joe, today I sent an e-mail to Mr.Tamas Deutch, Minister of
Sports of the Republic o Hungary. I urged him to send a message
of sympathy for his former squad as well as a message of asking
for just and favorable amends to the problem. Deutch is an alumnus
of the University of Miami and had been one of the most successful
member of the swimming team there (Big East champion, All-American)
from '63-to 96. I hope that upon with my name on the Hungarian diving
record, he will send his message/letter to Miami. Best regards
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Athletic Director Paul Dee
University of Miami
5821 San Amaro Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Dear Mr. Dee,
This morning a memo arrived via E-mail
with the shocking news that the University of Miami will discontinued
its Swimming and Diving program. I feel that this will be detrimental
to the University, but more importantly, it will be severely damaging
to the United States position as an Olympic competitor.
The University of Miami has been one of
the outstanding choices of schools for a student with a desire for
academic excellence, diving ability, and Olympic aspirations. Because
of its location, it allows the year-round training necessary to
produce that caliber athlete. Consequently, as its record demonstrates,
it has been able to attract both the coaches and the athletes capable
of these achievements. For many young divers, it has been the means
to gain a good education while still maintaining the dream of U.
S. Olympic gold. There are not many who can afford this dream without
the support of a University while, at the same time, preparing for
life. This is not a way to reward a very successful program. The
University of Miami’s decision to discontinue the diving program
can, and will, have far reaching ramifications in both the diving
community and U.S. Olympics. Because of the University of Miami’s
prominence in the diving world, it is probable other universities
will follow its example.
The decision also has personal implications.
My son, Salvador Vilardo, a 17-year-old high school junior, is a
diver. His first JO National finals competition was in 1994. He
has been a finalist at age group Nationals in all three events since
then. Two years ago, he won a first and second place at East Junior
Nationals. Last year he won both boards at West Junior Nationals.
Both years, he represented the United States in international competition.
He qualified for Senior Nationals three years ago in Synchro (before
it was an “event”) and has qualified the last two years in other
events as well. Because of all the things it has to offer, the University
of Miami would have been one of his top choices of colleges when
he applies next fall.
A few years ago, men’s gymnastics was
phased out as a college sport for the same reason as the University
of Miami is now curtailing diving. That has made Olympic training
extremely difficult for male gymnasts and certainly reduced the
nation’s competitiveness in that area. On the eve of the Olympic
Games, when the United States is scrutinizing its position in international
sports, will we propel ourselves even farther from Olympic Gold
by crippling yet another individual sport? And what other sports
will follow? It has to stop somewhere!
PLEASE, reinstate the diving program at
the University of Miami.
Penelope K. Cano
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Here is the Email for Paul Dee, the Athletic Director of Univ.
of Miami. pdee@miami.edu Maybe
you could forward this on to the diving community and request some
urgent responses to his decision to drop Men's Swimming and
I read the letter
USD President Bill Walker's sent to Paul Dee. If I interpreted
it correctly, I believe he is saying to keep Diving. My to Paul
will explicitly say that. Three scholarships would allow him to
keep a men's diving team. They could forfeit three football scholarships.
Most universities have more football players on the team than are
allowed to "dress out" for home games, much less make
the travel squad. There are football players sitting in the stands,
because only so many are allowed put on their gear...and for that
an entire sport of Diving is lost.
Don Fearon
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