VII Meet results |
USA Diving Spring
11-Under Boys 1Meter
1 st Zach Woods 174.75 Islamorada Diving
2 nd Cody Talbot 171.20 Sunrise Springboard
3 rd Christopher Fodde 161.90 Miami Diving
4 th Robbie Silverman 140.65 Coral Springs (declined)
5 th Nick Wing-Holt 138.95 Brandon Jetstream
6 th Michael VanDer Voordt 132.15 WFLA Diving
7 th Joseph Dowd 126.40 Team Orlando
11-Under Girls 1Meter
1 st ` Paige McCleary 198.15 Coral Springs
2 nd Chelsea Uranaka 188.80 Team Orlando
3 rd Kassidy Cook 186.40 Coral Springs
4 th Jodi Gillas 182.45 Team Orlando
5 th Cinzia Calabretta 171.30 Team Orlando
6 th Niki Reich 164.35 Team Orlando
7 th Blaire Mulka 161.45 Coral Springs
8 th Sarah Frangoul 161.20 Team Orlando
9 th Ali McGee 154.00 Team Orlando
10 th Kamila Silva 149.80 Miami Diving
11 th Marina Nazario 149.20 Ft. LauderdALE Diving
12 th Sara Cantrell 148.80 3D Diving
13 th Courtney Hanson 139.50 3D Diving
14 th Nicole Patrick 137.85 Team Olympia
15 th Shelby LEREW 137.05 Team Orlando
16 th Nicole Cueli 136.55 Ft. Lauderdale Diving
17 th Dakota Toner 131.25 3d Diving
18 th Kelsey Iannello 125.40 WFLA Diving
19 th Julia Lazano 124.00 Islamorada Diving
20 th Ellen Strample 123.20 Coral Springs
21 st Mehgan Miller 11940 Islamorada Diving
22 nd Devin Barrett 116.25 Islamorada Diving
23 rd Kylie Cochrane 116.10 Islamorada Diving
24 th Haley Goodman 115.15 Islamorada Diving
25 th Shelby McCleary 113.85 Coral Springs
26 th Savannah Couch 113.40 Pine Crest Diving
27 th Ella Rivas-Chacon 109.80 Miami Diving
28 th Niki Comfort 108.05 Coral Springs
29 th Emily Albury 106.90 Islamorada Diving
30 th Asia DeGuzman 103.00 3d Diving
31 st Kendall Cook 101.10 Coral Springs
32 nd Maggie Olson 100.05 3D Diving
33 rd Brenna Woods 92.15 Islamorada Diving
34 th Alexandra Gulledge 87.70 3d Diving
35 th Caitlin Aumack 80.50 3D Diving
11-Under Boys 3Meter
1 st Zach Woods 188.85 Islamorada Diving
2 nd Nick Wing-Holt 179.55 Brandon Jetstream
3 rd Christopher Fodde 161.20 Miami Diving
4 th Michael VanderVoordt 155.25 WFLA Diving
5 th Joseph Dowd 131.50 Team Orlando
11-Under Girls 3Meter
1 st Kassidy Cook 223.63 Coral Springs
2 nd Jodi Gillas 211.95 Team Orlando
3 rd Chelsea Uranaka 191.70 Team Orlando
4 th Paige McCLeary 177.60 Coral Springs
5 th Marina Nazario 161.60 Ft. Lauderdale
6 th Ali McGee 158.60 Team Orlando
7 th Cinzia Calabretta 158.25 Team Orlando
8 th Sarah Frangoul 153.55 Team Orlando
9 th Courtney Hanson 153.35 3d Diving
10 th sara Cantrell 152.50 3D Diving
10 th Niki Reich 152.50 Team Orlando
12 th Shelby Lerew 149.55 Team Orlando
13 th Dakota Toner 141.63 3D Diving
14 th Nicole Cueli 131.90 Ft. Lauderdale Diving
15 th Blaire Mulka 130.45 Coral Springs
16 th Ellen Strampel 130.10 Coral Springs
17 th Nicole Patrick 124.40 Team Olympia
18 th Kelsey IANELLO 124.00 WFLA
19 th Ella Rivas-Chacon 122.25 Miami Diving
20 th Savannah Couch 89.45 Pine Crest Diving
12-13 Boys 1Meter
1 st Tom Neubacher 242.15 Team Orlando
2 nd Colin Bell 235.05 Coral Springs
3 rd Chris Plante 226.40 Unattached
4 th Cameron Dehn 226.35 Coral Springs
5 th Harrison Blackburn 223.20 Ft. Lauderdale
6 th Sean Saley 211.15 Ft. Lauderdale
7 th Hunter Torrence 210.95 Team Orlando
8 th Hunter Becerra 197.30 Miami Diving
9 th Luke Zippi 189.85 Sunrise Springboard
10 th Mark Olson 181.15 3D Diving
11 th Dylan Comfort 154.45 Coral Springs
12-13 Girls 1 Meter
1 st Kelsey Goodman 241.15 Islamorada Diving
2 nd Ali Lepech 225.70 Brandon Jetstream
3 rd Shelby Jackman 218.40 Miami Diving
4 th Elizabeth Tatum 212.50 Ft. Lauderdale
5 th Morgan Canfield 210.00 3D Diving
6 th Becca Tassell 208.10 3D Diving
7 th Laura Winchester 206.10 team Olympia
8 th Chelsea Brooks 205.45 Team Orlando
9 th Meghan Crimmins 203.70 Ft. Lauderdale
10 th Kendal Walton 202.80 3D Diving
11 th Carlin Jones 202.25 Ft. Lauderdale
12 th Sydney Vascik 200.95 Team Orlando
13 th Greta Urra 192.20 Team Olympia
14 th Mia Amadeo 186.40 Team Orlando
15 th Stephanie Talbot 167.10 Sunrise Springboard
16 th Erin Goodman 153.45 Islamorada Diving
17 th Chloe Mallet 142.45 3D Diving
18 th Natasha Kipper 138.70 3D Diving
19 th Patricia Flynn 120.30 3D Diving
12-13 Boys 3Meter
1 st Tom Neubacher 310.80 Team Orlando
2 nd Sean Saley 270.80 Ft. Lauderdale
3 rd Colin Bell 269.40 Coral Springs
4 th Hunter Torrence 255.15 Team Orlando
5 th Chris Plante 239.35 Unattached
6 th Harrison Blackburn 237.80 Ft. Lauderdale
7 th Cameron Dehn 219.45 Coral Springs
8 th Mark Olson 207.50 3D Diving
9 th Hunter Becerra 197.35 Miami Diving
10 th Dylan Comfort 159.55 Coral Springs
12-13 Girls 3Meter
1 st Kelsey Goodman 277.05 Islamorada Diving
2 nd carlin jones 225.35 ft Lauderdale
3 rd Shelby jackman 218.35 miami diving
4 th ali lepech 214.45 brandon jetstream
5 th Elizabeth tatum 211.15 ft Lauderdale
6 th Meghan crimmins 205.00 ft Lauderdale
7 th Sydney vascik 202.40 team Orlando
8 th Kendal Walton 200.35 3-d diving
9 th laura Winchester 197.90 team Olympia
10 th Chelsea brooks 197.55 team Orlando
11 th greta urra 195.30 team Olympia
12 th becca tassel 185.45 3-d diving
13 th mia amodeo 179.55 team Orlando
14 th morgan canfield 177.45 3-d diving
15 th chloe mallet 121.75 3-d diving
14-15 boys 1meter
1 st Michael neubacher 312.65 team Orlando
2 nd taylor dehn 299.15 coral springs
3 rd Andrew Johnson 297.70 team Orlando
4 th cody dodds 295.05 wfla
5 th Stephen Andrews 261.45 coral springs
6 th jonathan speed 258.70 3-d diving
7 th tyler daly 256.05 sunrise springboard
8 th grayson patten 237.80 3-d diving
9 th morgan mallet 203.15 3-d diving
14-15 girls 1meter
1 st kara cook 359.20 coral springs
2 nd Bianca alvarez 357.25 team Olympia
3 rd haley holmquist 337.60 coral springs
4 th brooke george 323.45 team Orlando
5 th Allison barr 307.40 team Orlando
6 th Kristin Arnold 304.80 miami diving
7 th Jennifer grupico 301.30 ft Lauderdale
8 th Katherine adham 300.85 team Orlando
9 th Michaela mcginty 286.95 team Orlando
10 th Shelby smith 283.05 team Orlando
11 th kaylee doback 282.75 brandon jetstream
12 th sarah Daniel 257.30 sunrise springboard
13 th Julia moomaw 255.45 team Orlando
14 th Lindsey winter 251.90 team Orlando
15 th haley long 234.50 pensacola diving
16 th Amanda frick 223.75 3-d diving
17 th Francesca Johnson 217.85 miami diving
18 th kara Walton 214.45 3-d diving
14-15 boys 3meter
1 st Michael neubacher 366.05 team Orlando
2 nd Andrew Johnson 338.85 team Orlando
3 rd taylor dehn 336.05 coral springs
4 th Stephen Andrews 296.40 coral springs
5 th jonathan speed 287.25 3-d diving
6 th grayson patten 222.90 3-d diving
7 th morgan mallet 206.05 3-d diving
14-15 girls 3meter
1 st Bianca alvarez 386.95 team Olympia
2 nd kara cook 385.30 coral springs
3 rd Allison barr 352.95 team Orlando
4 th kaylee doback 335.50 brandon jetstream
5 th Katherine adham 312.10 team Orlando
6 th haley holmquist 311.05 coral springs
7 th Kristin Arnold 308.70 miami diving
8 th Shelby smith 292.25 team Orlando
9 th Jennifer grupico 291.05 ft Lauderdale
10 th Michaela mcginty 290.45 team Orlando
11 th brooke george 285.80 team Orlando
12 th Julia moomaw 236.15 team Orlando
13 th Lindsey winter 231.35 team Orlando
14 th Amanda frick 227.75 3-d diving
15 th kara Walton 223.75 3-d diving
Boys 16-18 1meter
1 st terry horner 544.35 team Orlando
2 nd evan linette 524.05 ft Lauderdale
3 rd alex tilbrook 487.20 wfla
4 th alex volovetski* 465.85 brandon jetstream
5 th corry Christian 459.65 team Orlando
6 th matt Schmidt 432.25 team Orlando
7 th Austin Hampton 419.70 wfla
8 th Michael bulfin 396.25 ft Lauderdale
9 th artur estam 363.35 brandon jetstream
10 th harry grellia 346.75 pensacola diving
11 th Andrew scully 271.35 team Orlando
12 th john osterholt 270.30 pine crest diving
13 th scott yuken 215.35 3-d diving
*foreign citizen (ineligible to advance)
Girls 16-18 1meter
1 st kara salamone 401.35 ft Lauderdale
2 nd Katie sirounis 372.85 coral springs
3 rd Kenyon lewis 360.65 ft Lauderdale
4 th Debbie thornbury 354.15 team Orlando
5 th Lindsay Lowell 349.45 ft Lauderdale
6 th Stephanie England 346.25 team Orlando
7 th Alicia miller 346.00 3-d diving
8 th aly oliver 343.55 3-d diving
9 th Danielle mauser 342.60 3-d diving
10 th Courtney Cleveland 326.20 coral springs
11 th jeana bartel 312.75 ft Lauderdale
12 th Alyssa Sherman 300.25 team Orlando
13 th jana mazur 292.85 islamorada diving
14 th renee buslepp 289.45 coral springs
15 th Kristin Daniel 266.35 sunrise springboard
16 th Lauren brinton 254.75 team Orlando
Boys 16-18 3meter
1 st evan linette 577.95 ft Lauderdale
2 nd corry Christian 485.25 team Orlando
3 rd Austin Hampton 461.25 wfla
4 th terry horner 455.95 team Orlando
5 th alex tilbrook (tie) 451.20 wfla
5 th Michael Bulfin (tie) 451.20 ft Lauderdale
7 th matt Schmidt 425.65 team Orlando
8 th artur estam 425.40 brandon jetstream
9 th john osterholt 291.25 pine crest diving
10 th harry grellia 279.95 pensacola diving
11 th scott yuken 254.65 3-d diving
Girls 16-18 3meter
1 st kara salamone 449.70 ft Lauderdale
2 nd Katie sirounis 409.85 coral springs
3 rd Danielle mouser 387.55 3-d diving
4 th Debbie thornbury 373.15 team Orlando
5 th Stephanie England 371.10 team Orlando
6 th Kenyon lewis 350.00 ft Lauderdale
7 th aly oliver 342.25 3-d diving
8 th Lindsay Lowell 341.20 ft Lauderdale
9 th Courtney Cleveland 299.90 coral springs
10 th renee buslepp 284.30 coral springs
11 th Alyssa Sherman 280.45 team Orlando
12 th jeana bartell 263.25 pine crest diving
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