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Hovering Tower
is proud to feature one of Mark's great works of art each.
Formson Collection
Hovering Tower by Mark Fromson
Mark Fromson is a former Canadian Junior Team member and current
Senior National Official. Mark has been involved in Web design
and graphics for 5 years and is the creator of the Canadian
Diving Web page at www.diving.ca. Talking about his artwork,
mark says:"I still remember when I first laid eyes on the stunning
landscape imagery created by Metatools' KPT Bryce. At that moment
an artistic vision was realized. Many artists use a subject
for inspiration, and I am no exception. I told myself that I
would use this graphics tool to create surrealistic interpretations
of my favorite sport, Diving. Alot of time, creative energy,
crashes and RAM upgrades later, the Cyberdive Collection was
complete. |

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