You Can Do Right Now
Plan from the event date(s) back to the present and
account for:
- Training days
- Training volume
and intensity
- Rest days
- Peaking period
- Meet simulation
training with audiotape
- Exercise volume,
intensity, peaking and tapering
- Specific day-to-day
training schedule while at trials.
2) Do your
heavy, intense training early (with mini-tapers for competitions),
so as you approach the event you feel prepared. Your training
should make you feel that you have worked hard enough so that
you deserve to win.
3) From
your meet simulation training, do the following
- Determine technical
areas to be emphasized
- Establish point
goals (best list and compilation of best dive totals)
- Analyze previous
event results and determine where your point goals will
allow you to finish
- Believe it
4) Create
a videotape of the best performance of each of your dives.
If possible, add music which helps you get in a positive,
confident mood. You can also create an audiotape which walks
you through your dives with the same music in the background.
5) Visualize
yourself at the facility, doing your dives and achieving your
goal in the event. Make this as real as possible. Having
been to the facility before can be a great be a great benefit
in this process.
You Can Do Four Weeks before
the Competition
6) Think
about every possible scenario that could happen to distract
or upset you, both in and out of competition and the pool.
Play it out and determine what the correct response would
be to each situation. Program it in your memory and be prepared
to react that way in the event these things happen. Review
this process frequently.
7) Spend
time putting the competition into a healthy perspective.
It is not a life or death situation. You will survive and
go on, no matter what, so dont build the event up in
your mind.
8) Watch
some inspirational movies: Rocky I, II or III, Chariots of
Fire, The Billy Mills Story, Iron Will.
You Can Do When You Get to
the Competition Site
9) Trust
the training you have done to prepare for the competition
and work on fine-tuning minor details.
10) Get
plenty of rest and keep a positive mental attitude.
11) Remember
you are there to get comfortable with the facility (springboards,
platform, lighting etc.)
12) Follow
your pre-planned preparation schedule, but be flexible.
13) If you
have a bad practice, do not take this as an indication that
you are not ready. Your preparation plan and training will
allow you to do well in the competition.
14) Continue
to use your best ever video and/or audiotapes daily.
15) Continue
to visualize the event unfolding, dive by dive, as you want
it to happen.
You Can Do On Competition
16) Plan
your day carefully so you have plenty of time to get from
one place to another. Avoid having to rush. Follow the guideline
walk slow and talk slow. Keeping your pace controlled
will help put your energy level right where you want it.
17) Do not
try too hard to dive well in warm-ups. These are merely to
get your body physically ready. A bad or average warm-up
can many times result in a great competition.
18) Create
a consistent pattern of what you do and when you do it, as
you move to the springboard or platform area. This will help
create a rhythm to your performance.
19) Keep
the same timing of how long you wait before starting each
dive. This continues the rhythm and helps keep all dives
the same in importance, regardless of the circumstances.
20) Determine
ahead of time a strategy for whether you will or will not
watch other divers and keep track of scores and places. This
should be based on your history of how you compete best.
Once the strategy is in place, stick with it!